This post brought to you by Escort Radar + Laser Detectors. The content and opinions expressed below are that of
Traffic tickets lately are going from an annoying nuisance to a serious problem in 2015 — especially for safe drivers.
While the days of aircraft-based highway speed monitoring are long gone with huge jet fuel prices, every highway and urban area these days is swamped with a new menace:
- Automated ticket writers for speed cameras, red-light cameras and even congestion-zone tracking.
- Mass data collection on any driver the system flags
These two new threats make even the dreaded red/blue lights in your mirror a bit of a relief.
At least when we received a stunningly expensive traffic ticket in Atlanta last year, we knew right away what was happening. (In Atlanta, though, the ticket does not list the price of the infraction. Upon learning that is was $800+ — this makes sense! Furious barely begins to describe the feeling of paying almost a full month’s rent for leaving cruise control on while speed limit dropped without warning from 70-mph to 55-mph.)
For this driver, the menace of the Chicago red light camera system is also top-of-mind. Managed by a private company that shares revenue with the city, there are numerous examples yellow-light timing tweaks deliberately implemented to up their revenue — at the expense of the system’s supposed safety benefits. Photo and video proof makes ticket-free driving a serious challenge — even among the 5-under crowd we loath so much as they block the left lane of the interstate. Getting a nasty letter 60 days after the flashbulbs blared in that intersection makes you feel powerless and angry.
ESCORT created an all-new detector for 2016 called the Max360 that takes all these new realities into account, and more. The previous core capabilities of radar and laser detection, warning and locating are now even more powerful than before, with new arrows to let you know where the signal originates. Escort’s Max360 has walloped the Valentine lineup of radar detectors in the latest testing, so we are extra excited to try out this next-gen radar detector technology.
A new Bluetooth link to any smartphone should make the Max 360 the smartest ticket-prevention system on the market. Always updating its knowledge base, you can benefit from other road user’s flags — either of a false alarm or confirmed speed trap.
The Bluetooth link to Escort Live (downloadable via App Store and Android marketplace free of charge) not only lets you benefit from all other Escort user intel, but it also ports the latest speed-limit data into an icon on the Max 360’s screen. This feature is a godsend for places you are not familiar with, construction sites and everywhere in between. Updating dynamically, you are not locked into a dated map — so you know for sure what the speed limit is at all times in a 1-second glace. No more wasting time tracking signs every five miles… even when highway patrol might be right on your bumper!
We’re very excited to be part of a pilot program for auto journalists — and will be testing out the Escort Max 360 in the real world very soon! Watch this space for a full review in the near future, or cruise over to the Escort links below to learn more right now.
#Max360 #EscortMax #360arrows #EscortRadar #Max

Tom Burkart is the founder and managing editor of, an innovative and rapidly-expanding automotive news magazine.
He holds a Journalism JBA degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Tom currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina with his two amazing dogs, Drake and Tank.
Mr. Burkart is available for all questions and concerns by email Tom(at)