Mustang 50th Anniverary Showcase – $150,000 Race-Prepped 1986 Mustang GT Convertible!
An unlikely hero? Here it is! The 1986, Fox-body Mustang GT Convertible. Proof that being feeling young and hip and bad-ass will never go out of style. Like all cyclical trends, the 1980s, 1990s and pre-2005 Mustangs were all firmly out-of-favor at the Mustang 50th Anniversary extravaganza in Charlotte. But even while the public moslty fawns over most-popular first and latest-gen cars, these 80s and 90s Mustangs are still the epitome of fast and brash youth culture to their owners. This was my key take-away from meeting hundreds of Mustang guys: The Mustang of all years and styles embodies being …