The concept lawn. What a concept. It’s the nucleus around which the entire Monterey Car Week orbits. It anchors the past, present and future of automobiles in the chosen few cars set on this practice putting green. All of these cars are or have touch-points that reach back for inspiration, and build upon beautiful and sometimes radical visions of the future. One such radical future-think was the Audi Skysphere. It was conceived to extend or contract a foot in length. Project Sandbox is the perfect example of all worlds colliding. Part 911/959, part rally car. The key to doing the concept lawn is early and often. Early on, it’s a blank canvas. Another few hours and you might see some ankles peeking out from under the car cover hemlines. Late Saturday night, some brands awaken. This is the bewitching hour. No crowds. Quiet. It’s a cathedral to concepts.
Like dawn at Stonehenge as the laylines mark the approaching sunrise and the pagans take that first breath. Again, use it as a touchpoint. Before your retire for the evening. Go. See. Commune. Then, prepare for Dawn Patrol. Get there early, and once again, pass by this nucleus, and see perhaps more reveals that hatched overnight. Feel the energy building; calm before the storm. Throughout Concours day, snap back to the lawn. Peruse it counter-clockwise, so you see the faces, now all unveiled. You see the proud parents showcasing their toils. Use the benches to peoplewatch. It’s a Union Station now for all of us car lovers. This will cap your Monterey Car Week experiences.

James grew up in an Indiana community where the auto industry was at its heart. His first car was an Olds 442, and many of his classmates had their father’s hand-me-down muscle cars. Met his wife in college. They have three children. Survived esophageal cancer. Is passionate about enjoying his second chance and his automotive interests further that goal.