Modern cars feature some truly impressive safety features. Even base models come equipped with technologies previously reserved for premium models. There are crash-avoidance sensors, crumple zones and enough airbags to soften an impact from nearly any angle — but crashes still happen.
Human error is the one thing that can’t be engineered out of your experience on the road. You might be the victim of a crash even if you’re not to blame. Regardless of the circumstances, though, it is important to visit the hospital for an evaluation as soon as possible following a car crash. Here’s why.
What Seems Minor May Not Be
Certain types of injuries are common in just about any car crash. Cuts, bruises and other superficial injuries are probably what comes to mind, but more serious injures can occur as well — and you might not be aware when they do.
Because of the speeds cars travel at, your body is subject to huge forces in a car crash, typically in a very timeframe. When you are bounced around during a wreck, you can sustain serious head and neck injuries. While symptoms might not be obvious immediately after the crash, they could become worse over time.
A Hospital Visit Ensures Your Access to Assistance
If you are in a wreck and need to make an insurance claim to cover personal injuries, visiting the hospital first thing will guarantee your right to the highest possible compensation. In legal proceedings, the statute is that you must go to the hospital to be evaluated within 72 hours of the crash.
You can understand why it’s so important to give yourself every advantage in a situation like this. It’s possible — and often likely — the only injuries you sustained are ones that will fade shortly after your initial recovery. But while that is the ideal outcome, some injuries will require additional attention.
Protecting Your Head and Neck
Medical science today offers victims of head and neck injuries a number of innovative new treatments. You want to make sure if your condition following a crash necessitates a procedure or treatment that is expensive, you won’t be asked to pay out of pocket.
By getting in to be evaluated by a hospital as quickly as possible following a wreck, you are giving yourself the best chance of recovering from a potentially life-changing injury. It’s not a pleasant thing to think about, but when your family is relying on you, a short trip to see the doctor makes sense.
Many health plans will cover the follow-up examination, and depending on the specifics of the crash, you may be eligible for reimbursement by the other party. Even if you’re not, though, the cost of a quick evaluation is small in comparison to what your medical bills could reach if you do have a serious injury. Don’t make the mistake of denying yourself the help, just in case you need it.

Scott Huntington is a writer and car fanatic from Harrisburg, PA.