It was only a matter of time. The entry-level Lambo Gallardo and now Huracan have long been the ideal tuning platform for achieving stunning, headline-shattering power and performance levels.
So fast, and so scary… just $100k extra over the Lambo list prices has been plenty to achieve Veyron-beating quickness. At least below 200-mph… where the mods really start to frighten for the wrong reasons. Not just loud as F***… but also a bit risky to top-out. An extra 195HP from this next-gen Supercharged Huracan V10 is not something to be Vmaxed lightly!
A supercharger mod for the Huracan from O.CT Tuning in Germany is actually fairly mellow and should be near-OEM reliable. Why? Because it could actually be delivering far more than the 805HP of the OCT800. (Technically.. it is 805PS, which is about 794HP).
2.5-seconds is the official time to 100-kph, and might make this the quickest supercar around to 60-mph. Certainly neck and neck with any 2.6-second 911 Turbo S….
The OCT800 kit includes the supercharge, related piping and engine mechanical mods, plus the required an ECU reflash and removal of the factory speed limiter. An optional exhaust, Vossen alloys and lowering springs are all you need to be a world-beater on any dragstrip.
Pricing is TBD — but the kit can be ordered and installed locally to global Huracan owners. We’d ballpark about $40k, plus installation.
Lamborghini HURACAN OCT800 Supercharged by O.CT TUNING
“Now it IS going wild” – HURACÁN O.CT800 SUPERCHARGED by O.CT TUNING
Another core theme of O.CT Tuning activities is the compressor technology, so that the company can now offer powerful performance uprating packets for cars of the VAG and for Chrysler group US vehicles.
A bull driven really wild – Huracán O.CT800 with 805 HP / 810 Nm
As specialist for compressor conversion, the O.CT Tuning team dared the “bull” from Italy, bringing it out of its shell. With compressor kit, the tuner lends the Lamborghini with the rightful serial designation Huracán the predicate Huracán plus, because now it has become really such one! With driving performances beyond good and evil, the bull stirs wind with the force of a hurricane inside the tuning scene. The exhaust system, matching to the compressor kit 20 kgs lighter and attuned to the compressor, does the rest. This way, driving performance and the powerful sound become, what one imagines under the notion of an extreme storm front. The especially manufactured rims in dimensions 9×20 in front and 12.5×21 in rear perfectly round out the phantasmagoric Lamborghini tuning packet.
Pictures: O.CT Oberscheider Tuning GmbH
For more information about this car conversion please contact directly
O.CT Oberscheider Tuning GmbH
Lindenstr. 44
Phone +41 71 722 11 88
Fax +41 71 722 00 60
Leistungsoptimierung 5.2i V10 610PS auf 805PS
Maximale Toleranz für Leistungsangaben: +/- 5%
MEHR Leistung MEHR Drehmoment MEHR Sicherheit |
Die enorme MEHRLEISTUNG bei unseren Tuning Kits wird durch die Änderung von Hardwarekomponenten in Verbindung mit der Neuprogrammierung der Fahrzeugelektronik erreicht.
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Tom Burkart is the founder and managing editor of, an innovative and rapidly-expanding automotive news magazine.
He holds a Journalism JBA degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Tom currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina with his two amazing dogs, Drake and Tank.
Mr. Burkart is available for all questions and concerns by email Tom(at)