As any Zoobooks will confirm, the female praying mantis murders its mate after conception…
This seems relevant to the Lambo vs Audi R8 battle that might rage among shoppers.
Yes, the Huracan is far more special and beautiful than the R8. And yes, it sounds much better at all times too. Where the Huracan is staccato and bellowy, popping on downshifts with exhaust back-pressure… the R8 sounds much more muffled on launch and deceleration. Yes, the R8 V10 starts to sing up its rev range…. but not at the start. Only once past around 5000-rpm does the R8 confirm its exotic status.
So, the Lambo looks better and sounds better.
It is also much pricier and harder to get ones hands one. The $240k+ Huracan in the USA is a cool $50k more than the top R8 V10 Plus — and that is before the ridiculously pricey options list. None of that pricing is actually published for the Lambo, by the way, and they are so up their own asses with arrogance that it will be hard to test drive it as well.
So in that regard, the flashy and murderous Mantis Verde stunner here might be off-putting.
For the true supercar curb appeal winner of the incestous siblings, the Huracan will live to see another day. While its poor mate, the R8, will meet a much nastier fate.
2015 Lamborghini HURACAN
Verde Mantis

Tom Burkart is the founder and managing editor of, an innovative and rapidly-expanding automotive news magazine.
He holds a Journalism JBA degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Tom currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina with his two amazing dogs, Drake and Tank.
Mr. Burkart is available for all questions and concerns by email Tom(at)