Not to our eyes! This futuristic armored personnel carrier is a really sleek bit of design, even if its radar signature is huge.
The truck is a bit mysterious at the moment. It appeared online about a week ago in a few obscure spots, but has since been removed from at least one official Red Bull channel… in South Africa. Nada from LR or RB press people about it, nor even a name beyond “Armored Event Vehicle.”
The only thing we know is the chassis underneath: a Land Rover Defender 130 donated its LWB rails to this new creation.
Is it really armored? Perhaps! Looks like a pretty light sheel, without a V-formed underplate for IED resistence.
But then again… “Armored Event Vehicle” is the name. Maybe this is the replacement for the purple Suzuki X90 that passes out free cans of energy drink at sporting events. ?
We’re skeptical this thing is official, obv, but love it all the same. Pile in!
Red Bull’s global crew has a rep for making awesome one-off custom trucks. Few are as well-done as these though.
South African RED BULL Concept Truck is Defender 130 APC

Tom Burkart is the founder and managing editor of, an innovative and rapidly-expanding automotive news magazine.
He holds a Journalism JBA degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Tom currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina with his two amazing dogs, Drake and Tank.
Mr. Burkart is available for all questions and concerns by email Tom(at)