Updated 11.10.14
The new season of GT Academy is online and watchable via the below YouTube embed! To celebrate, we’ve paired the episode with some of the coolest NISMO cars from SEMA 2014.
Mostly, relaxing for me is commercial-free online television of some kind.
Just stumbled upon the latest for GT Academy, and feel compelled to share this exciting series.
Imagine a mix of a few shows like Toughest Soldier Challenge, TopGear, … and … America’s Next Top Model…. and you will get an idea of what GT Academy offers viewers.
Instead of shooting or pouting, these guys train to be real NISMO athletes on the racing tour, globally.
From out of the basement and into racing-prepped GT-Rs, 370Zs, and many more.
Reality competition is the show structure, but this is no self-shot affair. High-definition camera-work, production and editing means this is 30 minutes of true, quality car-guy TV — gamer or no gamer.
Enjoy the latest episode above — which is fun even for non-gamers. How do we know?
My relationship with computer and video games is not stellar. I have only ever played a few games, including Donkey Kong Country as a child, Goldeneye with my buddies for years in high-school, and later: Gran Turismo on PlayStation in my 20s.
I was never good at any of the games versus neighbor kids who owned consoles, if I am honest.
I played GT4 religiously for months with a buddy. A-spec, B-spec, LeMans cars — we got really far in the game.
Bought a PS3 for GT5 and played that one solo. Got busy or lost interest, but in terms of the SouthPark “console wars” I am definitely in the Sony camp.

- Toughest Test Yet for GT Academy Graduates

Tom Burkart is the founder and managing editor of Car-Revs-Daily.com, an innovative and rapidly-expanding automotive news magazine.
He holds a Journalism JBA degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Tom currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina with his two amazing dogs, Drake and Tank.
Mr. Burkart is available for all questions and concerns by email Tom(at)car-revs-daily.com.