2014 Audi A6 Allroad
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Let’s dive in.
What is the one wish most Americans have about the Volkswagen Group? Find a way to bring more cars here. The cool cars.
The special cars.
Cars like the A6 Allroad – which is not joining the US sales lists in this generation.
Sure, the case for it does not really stack up. We know Americans do not buy wagons with nearly the enthusiasm of European families.
But so what? They still make this car, and we deserve a chance to buy it!
This also applies to the A5 Sportback and A1/S1 twins.
Yes, Audi has been improving on this scorecard, even whileVW plummets itself down into the abyss. Who thinks people will be buying the North American Passat once the fancy new one debuts this fall in Paris?
Show of hands?
You are correct.
Media and car preferences are global, particularly for anyone considering a VW or an Audi.
So here is how we get cars like the A6 Allroad: we must buy everything else they bring here.
We must buy them in the tens of thousands per month – until the economies of scale are tilted to far in Audi of America’s favor that the parent will have no choice but to oblige in low-volume specials like this.
What is that, you say?
We have already been doing this?
<— Scratches head.
If you like this A6, the US market does offer the A4 Allroad. And it can even be ordered with painted fenders. Looks outstanding, and drives like it too.
Well, here I go again… Typing an article in what started as a ‘galleries post.’ =]
2014 Audi A6 Allroad – INTERIOR
2014 Audi A6 Allroad – EXTERIOR

Tom Burkart is the founder and managing editor of Car-Revs-Daily.com, an innovative and rapidly-expanding automotive news magazine.
He holds a Journalism JBA degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Tom currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina with his two amazing dogs, Drake and Tank.
Mr. Burkart is available for all questions and concerns by email Tom(at)car-revs-daily.com.