Today is the third or fourth time we have tried to get on-board with the BMW i3 via the online builder and the mechanical specifications.
The i3 is a fantastically-interesting, futuristic, and brilliant solution to low-emissions motoring: priced from $41,000 as the pure EV model, the premium for the Range-Extender gasoline option up front is just a few thousand extra – well worth it in my opinion.
But the style!? Where is the style of the future? In the past?
We hope not.
But my word – this i3 makes the Prius look sexy and slinky. It is best compared with the G-Whiz EV car that blights many European cities — except for the i3’s dimensions, that is. The car is HUGE. It is as tall as the X3 and just as wide. Low glass and a high beltline consipire together to become one of the must vile designs in recent memory.
But BMW is far too invested in the i program to ever leave the success or failure up to one individual model.
With the launch spear-headed by the i3 and the $135,000 i8, there is every reason to believe the rest of the BMW numbered model ranges are waiting in the wings.
It is from this perspective that we took to Photoshop to envision a future BMW i4.
Is it beautiful?
No, it really is not.
But is it greatly improved and more fashionable?
Yes, we believe it is.
The actual, real-life 2016 or 2017 i4 will likely bve much sexier than these renderings, which share much of the lower styling with the frumpy i3.
Even so, it is slightly encouraging to know that the design is not simply atrocious even with lower and sexier proportions.

Tom Burkart is the founder and managing editor of, an innovative and rapidly-expanding automotive news magazine.
He holds a Journalism JBA degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Tom currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina with his two amazing dogs, Drake and Tank.
Mr. Burkart is available for all questions and concerns by email Tom(at)