Amelia Island this weekend was sensory overload. But most of the really high-dollar machines came with their own cadre of security — making this Bugatti’s solo parallel parking even more curious.
Between the Porsche driving demos and the Infiniti test drive booth sat a lovely 1920s Bugatti for many hours each day since Thursday.
Uncovered, unguarded — and, of course, certainly mobbed by the curious almost every minute.
After all, is this not the exact Type 37 that was well-guarded inside RM’s indoor showroom?
[On further research, I believe the photos show a Type 35B Grand Prix, versus the Type 37A from the previous article.]
My assumption was that the owner was inside the nearby restaurant — watching and keeping things safe from afar.
After a few visits with the Pur Sang Bugatti — and dozens of detail photos — we stumbled across a simple stack of business cards at some lounge chairs set up nearby.
The card advertises Pur Sang Argentina, which creates flawless recreations of the greatest Bugatti’s of all time.
So — Is this car a fake? We certainly were all none the wiser; and this was a pretty savvy crowd.
I did not know until hitting their website that it was a recreation.
Even now, I do not know how one would determine the car’s provenance beyond a doubt. You can be sure only perhaps 200 people across the globe would know where to check to find out.
Replicas are a great way to use a car on the road without the constant worry and $15,000-per-month insurance premiums that let the car see only sunlight and only weekend road use.
Ordering details are all handled on a bespoke basis. In theory, these expert craftsmen could recreate any Pre-War car, ever, using their hand-made metal forming techniques.
Pricing and further information are available on the PurSang website, here.

Tom Burkart is the founder and managing editor of, an innovative and rapidly-expanding automotive news magazine.
He holds a Journalism JBA degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Tom currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina with his two amazing dogs, Drake and Tank.
Mr. Burkart is available for all questions and concerns by email Tom(at)