The Twingo is a car we will likely never see on American shores. Even so, it is a favorite of almost all city-dwellers in Europe.
Will they know the very silly Seinfeld reference in the headline? If not:
[Interior, cocktail party. Heavy Australian accent and snarky grin]
Elaine- Maybe the dingo ate your baby.
The previous few generations of Twingo have virtually epitomized ‘cheap but cheerful’ style for city cars. It just seems like a car that is always having fun.
Cheap ‘n cheerful is far better than the aging Aygo/C1/108 triplets — which might be better described as ‘cheap but cynical.’
That continues with even more fun in a few weeks at its Geneva debut, where the Twingo will be a blast of new reality versus the typical hypercar debuts this show is becoming known for delivering.
Will it match the pace and drama of the all-new baby from McLaren, the 650S?
No, perhaps not. Even so: a rear-engine layout is all-new for any French car in perhaps five decades, and the new styling also cleverly hides the Twingo’s latest ace in the hole: four doors.
Rear-engine cars can be a really fun way to scoot around town. They have unique dynamics that are quite playful in the right hands.
Ice driving was always particularly fun in my first car, a 1975 VW SuperBeetle. The car had almost unflappable grip in snow and sleet, but could be provoked into lurid tail spins when the mood was right. And as many classic 911 drivers will tell you: when the rear end “goes” on a Porsche, it can be scarily fast in how quickly it bites back.
But for Beetles and this all-new Twingo? The modest power levels in this price range ensure safe, secure handling in all scenarios. Except one: deliberate hooning.
For that type of TopGear-style car rugby — nothing will ever be as fun as a rear-engine city car.
This time, the Twingo’s four doors and fresh tech all around will make each rugby car a real team player — with plenty of room for your buddies in back.
The big glass canvas moonroof presents another fun possible TopGear car sporting match: Lacrosse… or polo! One guy drives, other guy out the moonroof safari-style taking shots at the goal? Sounds fun!
So does this new Twingo — which is likely to hit stores by late summertime of this year.

Tom Burkart is the founder and managing editor of, an innovative and rapidly-expanding automotive news magazine.
He holds a Journalism JBA degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Tom currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina with his two amazing dogs, Drake and Tank.
Mr. Burkart is available for all questions and concerns by email Tom(at)